—  Terms of agreement
1.2. These rules apply to all users of the Store and contain the principles for registering and using an account with the Store, as well as electronic booking of goods offered by the Store (Product or Goods), ordering Goods in the Store and concluding contracts for the sale of Goods.
1.3. All users of the Store can access the Rules at any time by clicking on the link "Porte.dp.ua Store Rules" on the store page or by downloading and saving, at their discretion, the Rules as a file with the ".pdf" extension on a storage medium.
1.4. Data about the Goods in the Store, their description and cost constitute an offer to conclude a Sales Agreement.
1.5. Goods in the Store have an individual designation. The Internet page contains information about the features and properties of the Goods, its cost and the material from which it is made.
1.6. The photographs and presentation of the products that are offered are intended to familiarize you with specific models of the Goods.
2.1. Porte.dp.ua makes it possible to conclude contracts for the sale of Goods via the Internet, and also provides other services provided for by these Rules.
2.2. The contract for the sale of the Goods is concluded between the user of the Store (Client) and PORTE.DP.UA
2.3. The condition for using the Store is familiarization and acceptance of these Rules.
2.4. The information provided by the Customer during the ordering process must be true, up-to-date and accurate. PORTE.DP.UA reserves the right to refuse to fulfill the order if the information provided is inaccurate and excludes the possibility of fulfilling the order, in particular, delivery of the parcel to the correct addressee. Before refusing to execute the order, PORTE.DP.UA should try to contact the Client in order to clarify the data in the amount that ensures the execution of the order.
2.5. The Store uses all possible technical and organizational means provided for by the relevant provisions of the law in order to protect the personal data of the Clients, including preventing the receipt and modification by unauthorized persons of the data that are indicated during the registration process.
2.6. The Customer who used the services of the Store is obliged to:
a) not distribute or transmit content prohibited by law;
b) use the Store without interfering with or disrupting its operation;
c) not send or publish commercial information in the Store without a special order;
d) use the Store in such a way as not to create inconvenience for other customers and for the Store Administrator;
ґ) use the content published on the pages of the Store for their own use.
3.1. The Store provides the opportunity to order the Goods on the Store's website (online) using the purchase procedure.
3.2. The store accepts orders online 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Orders by phone and e-mail are accepted on weekdays from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 20.00, and on Saturday from 09:00 to 17:00. Weekend orders are processed on the first business day following the day the order was placed.
3.3. The Client can place an order without the obligatory registration of his data in the database of the Store (Purchase without registration).
3.4. The condition for placing an order is to carefully fill out the form and indicate all the data necessary to send the Goods and automatically issue a document that confirms the payment.
3.5. To place an order, you must select the Product in the store, paying special attention to its quantity, color and size, then go to the "Basket" section and continue the ordering procedure, choosing the appropriate steps for further action.
3.6. By the time the Goods are confirmed using the "Place an order" button, the Client can change the order of the Goods, as well as change the address and contact details for sending the parcel or issuing an invoice. Confirmation of the order by the Client by clicking the "Place an order" button means the assumption of the obligation to pay the cost of the Goods and their delivery, of which the Client is informed immediately before the confirmation of the order.
3.7. Confirmation of the order by the Client in accordance with clause 6 above represents the Client's offer to conclude a Sales Agreement, which is addressed to PORTE.DP.UA in accordance with the content of the order and these Rules.
3.8. At the time of placing the order, in accordance with paragraph 6 above, the Client receives an email address previously specified by him, containing information about the order, the number of ordered Goods, the cost of the order, the selected type of delivery and payment, the time of order fulfillment, the address and contact details of the Client and the store, and also information about the procedure for filing a complaint about the Goods and the right of the Client to refuse to perform the Contract of sale. The message is a confirmation that the Shop has received the Client's offer.
3.9. The Store sends a confirmation of acceptance of the Client's offer, transmitted by e-mail or by phone ("Confirmation of the execution and dispatch of the order") or refusal to accept the Client's offer to the e-mail address specified by him. Upon receipt of the specified Proof, the Agreement for the sale of Goods ordered by the Client between the Client and PORTE.DP.UA is considered concluded.
3.10. The sales agreement is concluded in Ukrainian, and its content complies with these Rules and the order made by the Client.
3.11. Without limiting the Customer's right to refuse to fulfill the Agreement in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law, the Customer may cancel the order by the time of receipt from the Store confirmation of acceptance of the purchase offer, that is, before receiving an e-mail confirming the acceptance of the order for execution specified in paragraph 9 above. In this In this case, the Customer must immediately contact the Store, including by telephone, followed by confirmation by e-mail.
4.1. The goods are delivered by the postal operator in the form of paid postal delivery. Delivery of goods is carried out: a) to the collection points of Nova Poshta; b) at the Customer's address by Meest Express courier.
4.2. The territory of delivery of Goods in Ukraine, which are presented on the Site, is limited. at the moment, parcels are not delivered to the zones of active hostilities and temporarily occupied territories. Delivery limits by courier are determined by Meest Express regulations. The fact of transferring the order to the package is equated to the fact that the parcel can be delivered by the Courier to the area chosen by the client.
4.3. Delays in delivery are possible due to unforeseen circumstances that have arisen through no fault of the Seller.
4.4. Upon delivery, the Order is handed over to the Buyer or a third party specified in the order as the recipient (hereinafter the Buyer and the third party are referred to as the "Recipient"). If it is impossible to receive the Order by the above persons, the Order may be handed over to a person who can provide information about the order (shipment number and / or full name of the recipient.
4.5. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment the Order is transferred to him and the Recipient of the Order affixes a signature in the documents confirming the delivery of the Order.
4.6. The shipping cost is fixed and is charged on the condition of a purchase costing less than 1500 UAH.
4.7. The Seller's obligation to transfer the goods to the Buyer is considered fulfilled at the moment the Buyer receives the shipment, as this moment is determined in accordance with the current postal rules. The order of delivery and disclosure containing goods is determined by the current postal rules.
4.8. When accepting the Order from the courier, the Recipient is obliged to inspect the integrity of the package. If there are no claims to the packaging of the Goods, the Recipient shall sign the Order Delivery Form and pay for the Order. The signature in the delivery documents indicates that there are no claims to the Parcel by the Recipient and the Seller has fully and properly fulfilled its duty to transfer the Goods.
4.9. The time the courier stays at the recipient's address is limited to 10 minutes.
4.10. The User understands and agrees that: delivery is a separate service that is not an integral part of the Goods purchased by the Buyer, the performance of which expires at the time the Recipient receives the Goods and makes payment for it. Claims to the quality of the purchased Goods that arose after receipt and payment for the Goods are considered accordingly in the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and in accordance with the Seller's warranty obligations. In this regard, the purchase of the Goods with delivery does not give the Buyer the right to demand delivery of the purchased Goods for the purpose of warranty service or replacement, does not give the opportunity to carry out warranty service or replacement of the Goods by visiting the Buyer and does not imply the possibility of returning the cost of delivery of the Goods in cases where the Buyer has the right for a refund for the Goods as such, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights".
5.1. The price of the goods is indicated in hryvnias.
5.2. The price of the goods is indicated on the site. With regard to incorrect information about the price of the Goods ordered by the Buyer, the Seller informs the Buyer about this in order to confirm the Order with the corrected price or cancel the Order. If it is impossible to contact the Buyer, this Order is considered canceled.
5.3. The price of the Goods on the Site may be changed by the Seller unilaterally. At the same time, the price ordered by the Buyer for the Goods is not subject to change.
5.4. Payment for the Goods is made as follows:
a) by bank card, using the implemented electronic payment using the PayU platform at the time of issuing the Somovie. If the client chooses this form of payment, its absence on the account of PORTE.DP.UA or the receiving entity participating in the transaction (PayU service) for up to 24 hours from the moment of placing the Order leads to the cancellation of the Order. In such cases, please repeat the order. An order where the form of payment Online was chosen - by card, is accepted for processing upon successful payment.
5.5. The Seller has the right to provide discounts on Goods and establish a bonus program. Types of discounts, bonuses, the procedure and terms of accrual are indicated on the Site and can be changed by the Seller unilaterally.
5.6. For completed orders, we issue a personal electronic invoice for the purchased Goods. You will receive such a document at the email address specified when placing an order. By accepting the Rules, you submit a request for an invoice instead of a check and agree to the sending of an electronic invoice to the email address you provided.
6.1. The goods offered by the Store are factory-made, new and original. PORTE.DP.UA is responsible for physical and legal defects of the Goods.
6.2. PORTE.DP.UA takes measures to ensure the smooth operation of the Store based on the available technical knowledge and undertakes to eliminate any discrepancies found by the Clients in due time.
6.3. All goods purchased in the store can be claimed in compliance with the terms and conditions provided for by the relevant provisions of the law, if these goods have defects that cause non-compliance of the Goods in accordance with the concluded Sales Agreement.
6.4. Claims can be sent by mail with a written description of the defect or a completed return form, published on the Store page, as well as by registered mail to the address: 51 D. Yavornitsky Ave., Dnipro, 49000, UKRAINE, recipient's phone number +38 (068) 208 95 95, UKRAINE, with a note: “Complaint porte.dp.ua”. The Customer must receive notification of the method of handling the complaint within 14 days, starting from the day following the date of receipt by the Store of the parcel with the goods for which the complaint is filed.
6.5. If the Goods have defects, the Customer may inform the Seller about these violations and demand a refund of the money paid.
6.6. In case of refusal to satisfy the complaint, the goods, together with the conclusion that the complaint is unfounded, must be sent back.
6.7. If the Client discovers damages that occurred during transportation, he can draw up a Damage Report in the presence of the courier.
7.1. The Buyer has the right to refuse the received Goods and terminate the Purchase and Sale Agreement within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Goods, not including the day of purchase, with the exception of Goods that are not subject to exchange and return.
7.2. The returned goods must be sent by the Buyer with all seals and labels by mail to the following address: 51 D. Yavornitsky Ave., Dnipro, 49000, UKRAINE , with the following documents enclosed: Application for the return of goods (filled in by hand).
7.3. The return of the Goods of proper quality is possible if the goods have not been used, their presentation, consumer properties, seals, labels are preserved, and the payment document issued to the Buyer along with the sold goods is saved.
7.4. If the Buyer refuses the Goods, respectively, the Seller returns to him the cost of the returned Goods, within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the returned Goods at the Seller's warehouse, together with the return application completed by the Buyer. The refund of the cost of the Goods is carried out exclusively to the person specified in the order for the Goods, on the condition that such a person provides a copy of his (her) national (internal) passport, an identification code and a receipt for payment for the Goods for which the money is returned. In the event that the buyer indicated incorrect data in the order, or did not provide all of the above documents for a refund, the Seller reserves the right to refuse such a Buyer to return the funds.
7.5. If, by the time of the Buyer's request, a similar product is not available for sale from the Seller, the Buyer has the right to refuse to fulfill this Agreement and demand a refund of the amount of money paid for the specified Goods. The Seller is obliged to return the amount of money paid for the returned goods within 30 days from the date of return of the Goods.
7.6. Claims for the return of the amount of money paid for the goods are subject to satisfaction within 30 days from the date of presentation of the relevant requirement (clause 4, article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights").
7.7. The refund is carried out by returning the cost of the paid Goods, transferring to the Client's bank card.
7.8. The warranty period for goods is set by the manufacturer and is indicated on the label or label. The Seller ensures proper application, use of the goods during the Warranty Period.
7.9. The Seller is not responsible for the defects of the Goods if they arose after its transfer to the Buyer as a result of the Buyer's violation of the rules for using or storing the goods, the actions of third parties or force majeure (force majeure).
8.1. The Store provides the following services electronically to its Customers:
a) the possibility of concluding online contracts for the sale of goods in the Store in accordance with these Rules;
b) the possibility of creating Customer accounts in the Store;
c) sending ordered commercial information about the goods.
8.2. The Client has the right to terminate the Sales Agreement in accordance with the relevant legal provisions and the principles set forth in these Rules. In addition, the Client has the right at any time to demand the termination of the provision by the Store of the services specified in paragraph 1 of paragraph. b) and c) above.
8.3. Technical conditions for the provision of services by the Store electronically:
a) Internet access;
b) using an Internet browser that allows editing hypertext documents (for example, Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox or similar);
c) the presence of an email address.
8.4. Claims for the services provided by the Store electronically should be sent to the Customer Service Department of the store ([email protected]) or by phone: (tel.: 0 (67) 208 95 95). The Client's complaint must contain the name of the recipient of the service and a brief description of the problem. The Store shall make every effort to ensure that the submitted complaints are considered as soon as possible, but no later than within 14 days from the receipt of the complaint by the Store. The Client is informed about the consideration of the complaint in a way convenient for him, by phone or by e-mail to the e-mail address indicated by the Client.
8.5. porte.dp.ua informs that, depending on the settings of the Client's Internet browser, it can send cookies to the Client's computer system, which are not a component of the services provided by the Store, but provide the possibility of further identification of the Client when visiting the pages of the Store and are used by the Store to in order to simplify the process of using the Store for the Client, as well as to track the client's activity on the pages of the Store. The Client may at any time disable the use of cookies by the Store by changing the appropriate settings in his Internet browser.
1. The information specified below is also provided to the User at the time of collecting his personal data on the pages of the Store.
2. The administrator of the User's personal data, the company PORTE.DP.UA, the Administrator processes the personal data of the users of the Store in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation dated April 27, 2016 (" THE GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION ").
3. Contact details of the data protection inspector: [email protected]
4. The personal data of the Store users are processed, inter alia, in the following areas : I) to fulfill the contracts for the sale of goods from the Store concluded with the User - the basis for data processing in this case will be the contract concluded with the Administrator by accepting the rules of the Store;
II) for maintaining the account of the Store User - the basis for data processing in this case will be an agreement concluded with the Administrator by creating an account and accepting the store rules; to carry out claims procedures – in this case, the basis for processing is the obligations of the Administrator in accordance with the legal act regarding the guarantee of defects sold by the way; III) if the User has expressed separate consent to this, commercial information regarding the goods offered for sale in the Store, including promotions, may be sent to the specified e-mail address of the User or phone number - in this case, the basis for processing the User's data is his consent, which is not binding and can be revoked at any time; IV) to send individual marketing messages to the User on the website of the Store, for example, in the form of an offer to purchase goods using the profile Messages will be prepared based on an analysis of the purchases made by the User - the basis for processing the User's data in this case will be the legally justified interest of the Administrator, which consists in marketing goods offered in the Store;
V) for marketing purposes - to the address specified by the User for correspondence, the Administrator will periodically send information about the offer of the Porte.dp.ua store or the offer of its trading partners - the basis for processing the User's personal data in this area will be the legally justified interest of the Administrator or his partners, which consists in the marketing of the goods indicated in the offer; The User may at any time deny the processing of his personal data in the above area by contacting the Store; VI) for statistical purposes for the internal needs of the Administrator - in this case, the basis for data processing will be the legally justified interest of the Administrator, which consists in collecting information that allows developing activities and bringing services in line with the needs of users of the Store;
VII) to confirm the fulfillment by the Administrator of his obligations and the consideration of claims, or defense against claims that may be directed against the administrator, the prevention or detection of fraud - the basis for processing the User's data in this case will be the legally justified interest of the Administrator, which is the right of defense, confirmation of the fulfillment of obligations and receiving due remuneration from the Administrator's clients for this.
5. When making purchases in the Store, the User indicates certain personal data necessary to fulfill the contract of sale. Refusal to provide the data necessary for the implementation of the order, entails the impossibility of the Store to fulfill the contract of sale. It is not necessary for the User to express consent to receive commercial information at the specified e-mail address or a telephone number to fulfill the concluded contract for the sale of goods. If consent is granted, it can be withdrawn at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect compliance with processing laws until the moment of withdrawal.
6. The Administrator will provide the User's personal data to entities that cooperate with us in the performance of the Agreement for the sale of goods purchased by the User, including when receiving payments for the purchased goods, as well as the delivery of goods.
7. The personal data transferred by the User will be processed for the period necessary for the implementation of the sales contract, as well as claims for complaints, as well as confirmation of the fulfillment of the obligations of the Administrator and the consideration of claims or defense against claims that may be directed against the Administrator, but no longer than within 10 years from the date of transfer to the Administrator by the User of his data.
&9;9. Under the conditions specified in the GDPR, the User has the following rights in connection with the processing of his personal data of the Administrator in connection with the operation of the Store: the right to access data, update them, the right to demand the transfer of data, their deletion, objection to data processing and the right to demand restriction their processing.
10. The User has the right to file a complaint addressed to the Head of the Department for the Protection of Personal Data in connection with the processing of the User's personal data directly by the Administrator.
10.1. The personal data of the Clients provided by them during registration in the Store is processed by PORTE.DP.UA solely for the purpose of fulfilling orders, and can also be used for marketing purposes if the Client expresses the appropriate consent in a separate document. The client has the right to supplement, update and refute personal data, impose a permanent or temporary ban on their processing and demand their deletion if they are incomplete, invalid, false, obtained in violation of the law or unnecessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected, and also the right to object to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes.
10.2. Failure to accept these Rules excludes the possibility of purchasing the Goods offered by the store. The Store must provide the Customer with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Rules at the time of the order. Customers who have created their own account receive notification of changes to the Rules via email. A client who does not agree with the changes made to the Rules has the right to delete his account at any time.
10.3. The contract for the sale of Goods in the Store is concluded in Russian.
10.4. The competent court for the consideration of disputes is the court at the location in accordance with applicable law.
10.5. PORTE.DP.UA reserves the right to make changes to the Rules at any time. Changes in the Rules apply to orders made after the amendments to the current rules, subject to paragraph 3 above.
10.6. All trademarks and trade names presented in the store belong to their rightful owners and are posted for informational purposes.